Legal matters: Chemical restraint
EMS attorneys Stephen Wirth and Douglas Wolfberg discuss the legal analysis of the charges brought against Colorado firefighter-medics in the Elijah McClain cas...
How many EMTs and paramedics were killed on 9/11?
On the 20th anniversary of the deadly attacks, I am embarrassed and apologetic that the number of EMS deaths doesn’t come to mind as quick as firefighters’ “343...
Fla. bill would assist first responders purchasing first home
The bill aims to eliminate the down payment and monthly mortgage insurance premium requirement for first responders buying their first home
Watch: How to reduce ambulance delays at the hospital
An AIMHI expert panel shares best practices for shortening wall time and discuss the legal consequences of ambulance parking
NC paramedic succumbs to COVID-19 complications
John Thomas Ring, 35, was known as “Ringo” to his Wilks County EMS family